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Six Ways To Improve Your Shed

Driveways and access
Regardless of whether it stores machinery and vehicles or plays the role of a workshop, a shed is always more functional with easy access.
In some instances, this access will be a designated driveway, in others it’s a path from the house to the shed, or perhaps it’s additional personal access doors and automatic roller dors that make your shed easier to get into.
If your shed is weatherproof and protected from the elements, it makes it a whole lot more appealing to venture into all year round.
It also protects the items you store there from damage regardless of the climate and season.
And when it comes to weatherproofing there are a range of options – from door and window seals, to insulation, and sky vents and whirlybirds that encourage ventilation.
In addition to weather proofing, it also pays to consider vermin prootection to discourage any unwelcome guests from taking up residence in your shed.
Lighting and electricity
Lighting and electricity transform your shed into a space that can be used for a multitude of reasons. They also make it a place where you’ll feel far more comfortable working on those overcast days or at night.
In terms of lighting, it can be as simple as solar powered options. Meanwhile you should consult your electrician about the options for electricity.
If you’re using tools and machinery, three-phase power might be the go, but there are also further solutions available including generator power, solar and wind, or a simple connection to your property’s mains.
If you’re looking to improve the look of your shed and make it a real feature for your property, then cladding could be the ideal addition.
Available in a smooth or weatherboard look and a range of colours, it can transform your shed from functional into an eye-catching and appealing space that complements your home.
Chances are your shed is home to valuable items – whether its personal effects, vintage cars, machinery or a caravan and boat.
That makes it an asset worth protecting with security that can take a number of forms including a solid locking system and security grills.
This security might also extend to cameras, lighting, or an alarm system to mitigate the likelihood of break-ins.
An extension
The funny thing about sheds is that few people ever remark theirs is too big. In fact, once we have them, we all tend to fill them with an array of items we can’t do without.
If you’re shed is nearing capacity, it could be time to improve it with an extension. And it’s easier than you think, with options ranging from carports to awnings and all the equipment you need to simply add more metreage.
Seeking some shed inspiration?
If you’re looking for some further simple ways to improve your shed, we have some helpful tips available here. But in the meantime, you can browse our full range of shed products and replacement parts here.