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10 Tips To Look After Your Truck When It S In Storage

If so, you’ll need to take a few steps to keep your truck in great condition during extended periods of storage.
If you’re putting your truck into storage, take these preventative measures to reduce the risk of issues caused by engine stagnation.
1. Check fluids
Check all fluids, including oil, coolant, radiator fluid and transmission fluid. Moisture and acids can accumulate and impact engine parts while your truck is remaining idle, so it’s vital to replace oil, top up coolant, and check other fluids before you put your truck away into storage. Topping up fluids means there’s less extra airspace - too much of which can lead to moisture accumulation and rust in the truck’s compartments.
2. Check for leaks
It’s a good idea to make sure there are no leaks before you put your truck away for a long term. Check all your fuel lines and gaskets for any leaks by getting under your truck and giving it a thorough inspection. If you have any doubts, have a professional mechanic or service centre check for you.
3. Stabilise the fuel
If your truck will be in storage for more than a month, you should fill up the fuel tank (some experts recommend up to95%) to reduce airspace, and therefore minimise the chance of moisture accumulating in the tank. Filling up your fuel tank can also help keep its seals from drying out.
At the same time, buy a suitable fuel stabiliser for your truck model. Fuel stabilisers are designed to prevent petrol from declining in quality for up to a year. Using a fuel stabiliser prevents ethanol buildup, and will reduce the risk of gum, rust and varnish from developing.
4. Minimise tyre weight
If your truck will be in storage for an extended period, you might want to consider using jack stands to keep the trucks weight off its wheels. This will reduce the risk of flat spots from developing, and can save you having to replace your tyres after a long period of storage. Another recommendation is to apply a tyre protectant that will stave off rot.
5. Release the parking brake
Most experts recommend that owners release the parking brake if their vehicle is being stored for a long period of time. This is because the brake pads can stick to the rotors, resulting in problems when you do eventually take your truck out of storage. Use tyre stoppers to keep your truck in position.
6. Protect engine components
Some experts suggest you should use a fogging oil on the vehicle engine before you put it away for storage. Over time engine oil can drain away, leaving interior parts exposed to corrosive compounds. By applying a fogging oil, you’re effectively covering your engine’s interiors and protecting them with a layer of anti-corrosive substance.
7. Disconnect the battery
Remove the battery from your truck and keep it stored in a safe place away from it. Ideally, you should keep the battery in a dry, temperature-controlled space. Some experts recommend you sell your battery and replace it when you start using your vehicle again, as batteries lose their charge over time and cold-weather exposure can lead to corrosion and damage.
8. Rust-proof your truck
Keep all hinges, crevices, and other shiny parts of your truck rust-proof over a long period of time by using anti-rust products such as WD-40. When you’re ready to use your truck again, you simply need to wipe the rust-proofing product off with a degreaser.
9. Clean your vehicle and protect the finish
Give your truck a thorough clean – including its undercarriage – before you give it a heavy coating of wax. Cleaning your truck and protecting its finish is important because it gets rid of dirt and grime – especially things such as road salt – that can create issues with your truck over time. Bird droppings or even water stains left on your car over time can impact the paintwork. Rubber parts and seals should be wiped down with a rubber dressing to prevent cracking.
10. Store your truck
Ideally your truck should be stored in a garage protected from the elements, pests, dust and rain. Keeping your truck in a garage or other enclosed space also means it will be stored at a more stable temperature.
If you can’t find a suitable enclosed storage space, use a weatherproof vehicle cover to keep your truck clean and dry. If you’re using a cover, opt for a breathable, form-fitting cover that protects the finish. Always choose a fitted cover, as they do a better job of keeping the dust and dirt out.
Ultimately, it’s not too difficult to keep your truck in good condition when you put it in storage, as long as you follow a few recommended steps. Always check in with a technician or service centre if you have any doubts about your particular model.